Palatine Council No.89
The venue for the Installation Meeting of Palatine Council was the Wyrebank Masonic Hall at Garstang. Wyrebank is situated by the side of the Lancaster Canal near to the town centre. On Thursday 19th October some twenty-five Allied Masons made their way there, in some atrocious weather, to attend the meeting. The principle guest was The Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect Brother Graham Paul Snape. He was accompanied by his Deputy District Grand Prefect Worshipful Brother William Lawrence Richmond Grand Junior Deacon along with the District Grand Senior Warden Worshipful Brother Keith Alan Beardmore and the District Grand Junior Warden Howard Nicholas Emmett. 
At 6.30 PM the council was opened by the Acting Worshipful Master Worshipful Brother Howard Emmett and after the domestic business of the council had been completed the District Grand Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother Raymond Pye Past District Grand Junior Warden (Grand Steward Des.) entered the council on a report and announced that the Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect was outside the door of the council seeking admission. The District Grand Director of Ceremony escorted the District Grand Prefect into the council and introduced him to the Worshipful Master, who bid him welcome on behalf of the Brethren. The District Grand Prefect was escorted to a seat in the council and given the appropriate salutations to which he suitable replied. The Deputy District Grand Prefect, Right Worshipful Brethren, Very Worshipful Brethren, Grand Officers and District Grand Officers were then saluted.
Next Item was to Install Brother Roy Ernest Rhodes as Worshipful Master of Palatine Council. The Master Elect was presented to the Worshipful Master. The Brethren who were not Installed Masters were asked to retire from the council and a board of Installed Masters was opened. The ceremony of Installation was conducted in an exemplary manner by the Acting Worshipful Master. The newly Installed Worshipful Master was placed in the Masters Chair. He was proclaimed and saluted as Worshipful Master by the Installed Masters. The Board of Installed Masters was closed and the brethren re-entered the council and saluted and greeted their newly Installed Worshipful Master.
The Worshipful Master then appointed and Invested the offices for the ensuing year.
The next Item was to present a Grand Council Certificate, The Worshipful Master invited The District Grand Prefect to perform the presentation which he said he would do it with pleasure. The District Grand Prefect presented Brother Stuart Brackstone with his certificate in a manner we have come to expect from our leader.
On the First, Second and Third Risings, the District Grand Prefect gave greetings on behalf of the Grand and District Grand Officers. The District Grand Director of Ceremony enquired if The District Grand Prefect would like to retire who replied that he would. The District Director of Ceremony formed a procession and the District Grand Prefect was escorted from the council to wait for the council to be closed.

When the council had been closed the now ubiquitous photo shoot took place before we repaired to the bar for a pre-dinner drink. We were soon called to the dining room where we partook of a fine three course meal. The toasts in the Allied Degree seem to be just the right length and the responses equally so. It didn't seem long before we were getting back in our cars and braving the elements on our way home. Another good Allied Masonic meeting, apart from the weather, over.

Report and photos by Ernie Gavan